With BIM software, we generate decisive advantages for clients in terms of time, costs and quality for the most demanding construction projects. Find out how the technology behind the three letters works and how we can make your building services engineering projects aesthetically, economically and ecologically advantageous on the basis of BIM.
Imagine that your building project exists a second time: as a high-resolution virtual model, the "digital twin", on which all participants work together in the cloud. On which designers, planners, executors or even commissioners can read at any time, in 3D, which steps have already been completed and which are still planned. And to which a data system is connected that enables the control and optimisation of all relevant design and cost-related factors of the project. This idea is already a reality today with the BIM planning method. And we recommend it as a professional standard. In the following, we have summarised all the important topics on BIM for you.
Collaborative work on the digital twin reveals potential collisions, disruptions or conflicts in the building services planning process at an early stage. This is because everyone involved can see in 3D at any time how the building is to be executed. Even in highly complex situations. This type of quality planning is both profitable and time-saving. Another advantage: the virtual model is fine-tuned down to the smallest detail and each individual component is linked to its price. Nothing is left out in terms of cost. That is why BIM does not result in any so-called "business-as-usual" costs. These are additional costs that are not taken into account and are incurred in the course of planning in classic building services processes. You too can benefit from BIM planning TGA from our hand. Discover a selection of our projects via the following link.
BIM puts an end to isolated software and obstructive interfaces. With the "Open BIM" option, the construction partners still work with their own software, but use the IFC format as a neutral interface between the different software for efficient data exchange. In the "Closed BIM" option, the partners collaborate completely in a virtual space of their own. This eliminates information loss and brings many advantages. Both options are current today. No matter which way of collaboration is chosen: First, all participants confirm their commitment to a common set of rules, the AIA (client information request), in order to align the planning methods. The AIA also contains a list of interfaces, which varies depending on the context. This list goes from the client to the partners for structural engineering, building services etc. with all the relevant rules. Finally, this forms a concrete BIM plan of procedure (BAP). This lays the foundation for a successful BIM construction project.
Building services planning with BIM is a technologically demanding, standardised process. Get ready for the BIM Tech Talk:
The first step in the BIM process is the creation of an initial test model. This imaginary building is used to test data import and export and ensure functionality. Then the actual BIM project begins.
In the second step, a model development matrix (MEM) is generated. It defines which components are to receive which attributes and parameters at which point in time. This happens cumulatively: Initially, the matrix has rather few data about the building project, until at the end all data are fully contained. Subsequently, it is regulated when which parameters have to be defined - this process is complex because all parties involved have to agree on their tasks. Put simply: the MEM specifies which parameter has to be connected when and where.
After agreeing on the AIA (client information request) and the BAP (BIM progress plan), and after creating the test model and the model development matrix, we start planning and modelling. Here, information and models must be exchanged, which is accomplished by the so-called data drop: The models of all participants are made available to the responsible BIM manager, loaded by him/her into a software environment and checked for possible conflicts (clash points). Existing clash points are listed as issues and fed back to the responsible parties in the so-called BCF protocol. For this purpose, there are separate reflection sessions, the ICE sessions (Integrated Concurrent Engineering), in which all participants take part. Data drops and ICE sessions are held approximately every fortnight and alternate in a weekly rhythm.
With the BIM method, the conventional HOAI service phase model (HOAI: Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers) of numbers one to nine is reflected indirectly in the BIM model in the form of levels of detail. These levels of detail (LOD) differ in terms of their accuracy. The LOD becomes finer and finer in the process (for those who want to know exactly: the highest resolution is reached at an LOD of approx. 500). Also interesting: the LOD has exactly two properties, the LOI (Level of Information) and the LOG (Level of Geometry).
With these four points, the BIM planning phase is complete. Nothing stands in the way of a successful construction project anymore - rely on our BIM expertise and let us advise you on the enormous potential of BIM. We are always there for you as a contact partner.
BIM is the most technologically advanced way to design buildings. The highly detailed data set generated in the process is of extremely high value - not only for planners and executors, but for all decision-makers involved. BIM data makes an important contribution to economic issues. At the same time it opens the gates for a forward-looking construction industry that takes ecological issues just as seriously as its own success. It is this idea that underlies our own philosophy, too. So let's decide in favour of BIM today - it's time. We at DES are looking forward to working with you.
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